Steeple Painting project

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  • Original photos from Bellaire Historical Society Museum, reproduced by Carl Griffith

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Member Writes..


Patricia Wray Ash Savant:  I have always loved to hear the Church bell ring.  For me the bell ringing means many things:  Time to be Church, Weddings, Memorials, Funerals, Fellowship, Friends, Graduation, Births, Parades, and the list goes on and on.  I have lived in Bellaire for 76 years so I have had many years to enjoy our beautiful steeple with the wonderful bell; and my hope is that these memories will live on in my children, grandchildren and their children into eternity.

Church Bell Rings

When you hear a church bell ring, how does it make you feel?  Do you smile?  Do you feel the hand of the Lord on your shoulder?  Do you know it's time to start worship?

  Listen as the bell rings to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9-11.