Lead Team

Meets Monthly

The Lead Team meets monthly to discuss projects and concerns in our church.  Monthly meetings review current finances, needed repairs to the buildings and anything else that might be of concern to the congregation.  The Lead Team is required to report to the Church Conference once a year on the condition of the church building, parsonage and the general feeling of worship services, leadership, missions, and service stewardship.  

  • What is the SPRC?

    Staff Parish Relations Committee is a group of three members who serve for three years.  They responsible to run the monthly meetings, oversee employees and represent the church with an annual assessment of Pastoral Effectiveness.

  • What is a trustee?

    There are three trustees who serve for three years each and are responsible for the repairs and maintenance on the church building and the parsonage.  Once a repair is needed, they gather information and quotes to bring back to the Lead Team for approval.  The congregation should contact a Trustee if they see repairs that need attention.

  • What is the finance chair?

    Our Finance Chair reports on giving and expenses.  There are household expenses that a church must fund just like we have in our own homes.  Utilities must be paid, cleaning supplies, communion supplies, office supplies and all of the items we use to operated the church.  We have one Finance Chair and a Treasurer.  The Finance Chair prepares and presents a report at each monthly meeting.  The financial reports are available to the congregation upon request.

  • Pastor

    Our Pastor is also a member of the Lead Team.  He attends each meeting and presents a report with updates on projects he is working on.  The Pastor offers insight in how other churches operate.  

  • you are welcome to join in

    The congregation is welcome to attend the monthly Lead Team meetings on the third Tuesday at 3:00 pm.  If there is an item that needs to be discussed, please contact the SPRC Chair to have it added to the Agenda a week before the meeting, giving Lead Team members time to study the item.  Regular business will be conducted and after the regular meeting has been adjourned there will be a time for comments and questions by those attending.

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