Vacation Bible School

Songs, Bible lessons, activities and snack

Children, ages 5-11, spend 4 evenings learning new songs that make you want to dance.  They experience the Bible through stories videos and games.  There will be game time outside along with a fun, hands-on science lesson.  And don't forget, there is always a snack provided during the 2-hour evening.  Children are invited to join us on the VBS float during the Rubber Ducky Parade.

Bible Study

Various Groups meet weekly

Currently, we have three different active groups meeting.  What works for you, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays or any combination?  There is always room for one more around our table.  If you have never been a member of a small group, it's time to experience the love of Christ through The Word.

community involvement

Christmas in bellaire

When our town "Lights Up the Night" with a chili cook off and a Christmas parade, we are there offering a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.  We are located where shoppers pass by, stop, bow their heads and remember.

steeple stitchers

quilts and clothing for those in need

Each year we host Mom's Shopping, where we help Mom's with some of their gifts for their children.  Our Steeple Stitchers create beautiful quilts, jumpers, pajamas of various sizes.  Members of the congregation add, coats, hats, mittens and small toys.  We server over 100 families each year.